Inspiring children to achieve their personal best
Our school uniform colour is a combination of red, white and grey. Most items can be bought from High Street shops or orders can be made online via mapac © - items are usually despatched within 10 working days.
Uniform Items:
➢ red jumper or cardigan, without a hood, either plain or with the St Andrew's logo;
➢ white or red polo shirt / shirt / blouse;
➢ grey skirt / pinafore dress / shorts
➢ grey or black trousers;
➢ red and white gingham dress;
➢ plain white or grey short or knee length socks or grey, white or red tights;
➢ black shoes or plain black trainers;
➢ red and white striped tie (Year 6 only)
Please note, skirts and dresses should be of a style and length which allow children to sit comfortably on the floor.
Make-up and nail varnish are not permitted.
On health and safety grounds, we do not allow children to wear jewellery in our school. The exceptions to this rule are:
We ask children to remove these objects during PE, games and swimming for health and safety reasons.
Any hair that is longer than shoulder length must be securely tied back.
PE Kit
For safety reasons, children are not permitted to participate in PE wearing any form of jewellery; all earrings must be removed prior to any PE activity - this includes newly pierced ears. As earrings need to be kept in for 6 weeks following piercing, we recommend that children's ears be pierced at the beginning of the summer holidays to ensure children do not miss out on any PE lessons or sporting activities.
Staff are unable to remove children's earrings in case an injury is caused.
Name Labels
We ask that all items of school uniform are labelled. You can purchase name tags from Stikins.