
St Andrew's C of E Primary Academy

Inspiring children to achieve their personal best

About the Governors


The Governors at St Andrew´s are a committed group of volunteers who passionately believe that all children should achieve their `personal best´ in all areas of their development both academically and socially during their time at the school.

We work tirelessly to support this objective by:


  • Working with the Executive Head and Head of School and senior staff to set the school's vision, ethos and strategic direction.

  • Monitoring and analysing the educational performance of the school and its students.



The Governing Body is made up of volunteers from Parents, Staff, Community and the Church who all bring professional skills to support the school. Our Local Governing Body meets four times a year (twice in the Autumn and once each during the Spring and Summer terms)


The Governors also spend time in school undertaking monitoring visits and attending events. This also gives us the opportunity of talking to the children and enables us to learn more about the school.


We very much value and welcome the sense of community in Marks Tey and the commitment of parents in supporting the school and ultimately their child. We are proud of the progress that has been made at the school over many years through this excellent partnership at St Andrew's.


We all remain committed that this continues with the assistance of the community, parents, pupils and ex-pupils (who return to the school to help) to ensure that the school goes from strength to strength.


During 2023, we took the strategic decision to join the Canonium Learning Trust which is based in Kelvedon. This is a growing and exciting trust currently comprising six schools (with more to join during 2024/25). Most of the schools are village schools, like us. The key purpose of the Trust  is to provide every child with the best possible education whilst nurturing their potential and enthusiasm for learning so children leave our schools equipped to tackle future challenges and make positive contributions to society.


The school's vision is:-


Together we all flourish. Together, we make a difference.


Our Christian vision is to create a learning environment that enables and encourages learning and growth through fellowship and collaboration so that our community can achieve, make a positive contribution to society and be the best version of themselves.

This involves a responsibility to maintain and use wisely and responsibly the gift of learning God has bestowed on humankind. Indeed, when we come together in fellowship, we help each other, we learn together and we teach each other (John 1:7).


This theological anchor is firmly grounded in the concept that each human being is made in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:26) and capable of freely choosing thus enabling us to flourish as God intended. This requires courage and commitment just like Jesus showed throughout his life because when Jesus faced challenges, He overcame them.


This reflects St Andrew’s commitment to community and social justice through giving, through practical caring, speaking out and through different approaches to advocacy work on behalf of others.


At St Andrew’s CE Primary Academy, we define achievement in its broadest sense. This includes a recognition of the development of the whole person including their academic, social, emotional, moral, cultural and spiritual development and consequently the positive benefits well-rounded individuals offer society.

Our theologically rooted Christian vision builds on the Church of England’s vision to educate for ‘life in all its fullness‘ (John 10:10) and complements our Trust's vision of creating a culture where flourishing together empowers wisdom, wonder and positive well-being.

It is our foundation as a Church school to live this Christian vision in everything we do as an outward expression of the Christian faith.


Members of the Local Governing Committee 

 Mr Martin Hawrylak
 Mr Keith Birbeck

Mr Malcolm Bailey (Co-Chair)

Mrs Su Moakes-Cooke (Co-Chair)

Reverend Ian Scott-Thompson (Vice Chair)

Mr Bill Aylett


Mrs Sally Czezowska-Savill

Mrs Gemma Ward-Strong

Mrs Karen Litterick

 Mrs Claire Edwards
 Ms Aisha Jefferies

Governors´ Mission Statement

At St Andrew´s Church of England Primary School we hope that the children, as they grow physically and mentally, will also grow socially and spiritually thus gaining a real respect for themselves, for each other, and indeed, for the whole of this exciting world - God's world - in which we all live.


We believe all children have something to offer. We endeavour to develop independence, motivation and enthusiasm for learning. We believe for a child to achieve they need a caring, stimulating and orderly environment. This is best achieved by children, parents, teachers and governors working together.
