Inspiring children to achieve their personal best
St Andrew´s was founded by a Deed of 1860. The present school opened in 1966 to serve the existing village plus the new housing estate to the west of the village.
The building contains an office block, seven classrooms with their own cloakroom and toilet facilities, a computer suite, a large hall equipped for physical education and a fully fitted kitchen for school meals. There is an adjacent playing field and playground and also two relocatable rooms. One is a music room and the other a resource base.
St Andrew's is a feeder school for both Honywood School in Coggeshall and The Stanway School and, as such, has excellent links with both.
The children are arranged in seven classes from Early Years through to Year 6 with one class per year group.
The Church has pioneered in the field of universal education and founded a substantial number of the nation´s schools. Church Schools continue to be part of the nation's maintained system of education and are operated in partnership with the Local Education Authority. Each Church School has a governing body which is responsible for the school, and on which the Church, Local Authority, parents, staff and teachers will be represented.
The school, which is legally owned by the trustees, is a Church Foundation and is controlled by the Local Education Authority which has full financial responsibility for its maintenance.
The Church remains represented on the governing body and is able to foster links between the school, the Church and the local community. The aim of all Church primary schools is to provide the best possible education for each child within the context of a caring Christian community.
We have regular visits from the local church vicar who once a week, along with the Open the Book team, leads Collective Worship.