
St Andrew's C of E Primary Academy

Inspiring children to achieve their personal best


Our mathematics learning is based on the guidance set out in the National Curriculum. All areas of maths are planned for carefully with an emphasis on nurturing a deep understanding of mathematical concepts, problem solving and the application of skills.



The White Rose scheme is used across the school, focusing on children gaining deeper understanding, confidence and competence in maths and securing excellent progress. This is all provided within opportunities for problem solving and reasoning. There is also a strong focus on fluency with children completing arithmetic daily as well as investigative learning happening regularly across the school to ensure children are developing deeper investigative thought.


Children have access to a range of approaches to deepen their mathematical understanding including the use of concrete resources and pictorial representations, moving on to developing their capacity for handling abstract ideas.


Cross Curricular links are also exploited; for instance, graph work in maths can be used to record findings in a science investigation.
